Sunday, August 14, 2011

The Cat - An Ultimate Athlete!

!9# The Cat - An Ultimate Athlete!

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We all know that cats can move and move very quickly. We know they are smart and great fighter, but I do not know what most of us, is because they are so easy to move.

As a cat lover, long life and guardians of many (say that you do not notice, the owner) I decided to do some research on the agility of a cat and thought you'd like to know what I found.

With the information you are searching the Internet and in various articles that I foundVeterinary journals, I learned how a cat moves.

If Mother Nature, which is the animal of the sporting world to ask, she replied: "the cat". Biologists say that cats have changed in the last 10 million years. Big cats and little cats all move the same. Their agility and flexibility is almost identical. All cats do the same race, stalk low to the ground and running at full speed to catch their prey. There is an innate property that has never changed.

Compared toHumans and dogs, cats athletes. You can not just imagine a way that they can not move, the transmission of neurological signals to the brain and back into the body faster than that of a dog, this gives them a faster response time to catch their prey.

All cats have 7 cervical vertebrae like almost all mammals, 13 thoracic vertebrae (humans have only 12), 7 lumbar vertebrae (humans have 5), 3 sacral vertebrae like most mammals (humans have 5 because of our uprightCats nature.) Also (with the exception of the Bobtail and Manx) 22 or 23 caudal vertebrae (humans have 3 t0 5 fused into an internal coccyx).

The extra lumbar and thoracic spine, consider the cat is great, and flexibility. The caudal vertebrae form the tail of the cat and are used as a counterbalance to the body during rapid movements.

Cats also have free-floating clavicle bones with which their bodies through any space they can go throughtheir heads.

It is interesting to note that the tail of a cat acts like a rudder, and at times turning speed and moves to the opposite side of the train the cat to keep balanced. The tailless cats have problems with balance.

The tail is used as a kind of bait, when a cat stalking a bird. You can lead a cat's tail back and saw his movement, and I thought it was the thrill of the hunt. It 'really a kind of trick to keep the bird interested inThe movement of the tail so that the cat does not notice that.

Birds do not like snakes, birds need a lot of food, and many birds eat at the sight of a snake is to keep an eye on him. Since the tail resembles a snake (with a short stretch our imagination) is the bird continues to eat, and our friend the cat creeps unnoticed on her.

Cats have only one shoulder blades (scapulae) are the forearms of the cat in a way that the cat may crouch low to the ground attached to a longPeriods. This ability to take the cat squats to help their prey.

Cats also have clavicles (collar bones), which can be free float and let the cat his body in every room there is to move the shape of the head. Our legs are fixed keys and a dog has just what you have as a relic, but a dog can fit into tight spaces.

Cats have such powerful posterior muscles of the legs that power the strongest man can not compete with a cat when youjump. The front legs are equally strong and cats can rotate the legs back and forth for a range much larger than most mammals.

Dogs and cats are running directly on their feet, with the bones of their feet, from which the lower leg. Cats are also very accurate, as all the other cats, house cats with what is known as direct recording walking. They go almost directly from each hind paw corresponding pressure. This eliminates all visibleTracks and provides a solid foundation for the hind legs when the cats to navigate rough terrain.

All cats have retractable claws, with the exception of the cheetah, which silently stalk their prey, can also be noticed that the cats a head start on their front legs, which can often have a "sixth finger". This "sixth finger" is the carpal pad, which is located inside the front "wrist" and efficiency is not normal cat walk, but it is believed that the development of an anti-slipused in jumping.

Cats can extend their claws voluntarily on one or more legs at a time when most of the time, cats keep their claws sheathed with the skin and fur around the toe pads. This keeps the claws sharp, without wearing them around and let the silent ambush prey. Some people think that cats are ambidextrous and can use his feet, but some cats the benefit of their left paw, which is controlled by the right side of the brain and controls the movement and also shows that your cat is highintuitive.

Cats tend to have loose skin that allow them to turn around and confront an enemy, even if he has a hold over them.

The senses of a cat are consistent with the hunt, have a very advanced stage of negotiation, big eyes and touch receptors (vibrissae), which make them great hunters. Whiskers help the cat with balance and determination of the width of a room. The whiskers help a cat to feel their way around, especially at night. These hairs act like tiny fingers, the transmission of informationthe brain, they are an important part of the cat's body awareness and movement in space.

But as athletic as a cat can be injured. A cat has a natural ability to right itself if dropped, so that it lands on his feet. A complex organ in the inner ear, resulting in a specific sequence of events that regulate this capacity.

In simple terms, the body sends a message to the brain on the position of head of a cat in relation to the ground. In a fraction ofSeconds, the brain controls the change in head position to protect them. When the head is level, tilt the cat in the upper half of his body around to face the floor, then leans back and his tail is all about balance. The cat landed on the floor with all four feet and arched back, to cushion the impact.

A cat can do this whole sequence, from a distance as short as a foot and a total duration of 1.8 seconds to reach it. Experts say that a cat can survive a fallover 60 meters. All I can say is "wow."

If you're wondering, how does a cat knows how to high jump. We have a six-foot privacy fence around our backyard and our cats go when they want to jump in front of the rule at the top of the fence and then jump. I am always amazed to see, do a quick jump. Obviously this is a rare ability in the animal kingdom. Face of a cat is flat between the eyes, so that both eyes work together easily, because it isso that the cat can visually judge distances with remarkable accuracy. The cat can actually see three-dimensional and sharper. Incredible, no?

Cats usually stay for many years of his life is active, the only thing that can prevent normal movement and equilibrium injuries and arthritis. Sometimes we are not aware that our cats have been injured and is appearing in his later years that these pre-existing conditions. Arthritis can occur naturallyat any time.

Cats are mysterious, how they feel, and you need to make changes in your little athlete's movements or behaviors announcement carefully. Some things you should be aware of are as follows:
Excessive licking of the hip, the point of pain Many do not want to jump on the couch or in bed A change in motion, walking a little 'strange Cry when picked up The lack of interest in games or do other things like it.

Many of theseThe symptoms are treatable, and you should take your cat to the vet should you notice anything different about his behavior.

The reason why cats do not like to let you know that hurts is that it is deeply rooted in the brain, such as protection from predators and is something I have never forgotten. So it's up to us to be aware of our actions cat.

The Cat - An Ultimate Athlete!

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